Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wouldn't it be Great?

Wouldn't it be great to WANT to work out? Who are those people? How do they do it?

Wouldn't it be great if WE looked forward to going to the gym?

What if we could learn properly how to use the equipment? Instead of just looking at that dude in the Affliction T-shirt that looks like he knows what he's doing.

Wouldn't it be great to be one of those people that exercised as a part of their life?

And what if we knew what to eat on top of that??

Wouldn't it be great if when we walked into the gym other people were happy to see us?? Addresses us by our actual name??

Unless you're into ignoring people and being ignored...that's fine.
Don't make eye contact!! That means you want to fight, right??!!

What if, every time we walked into the gym, we knew for a fact how much fitter we were than last time? Wouldn't THAT be nice?

Woudn't it be nice to be able to work out without covering the digital display on your elyptical machine with a towel?? You know, to make time go faster?

What if going to the gym made it easeir to pull weeds, play with our kids, help our friends move or run that 5K we've been thinking about for sooo long??

Wouldn't it be awesome if we didn't have to wait to use our favorite treadmill??

Imagine if every time you went to the gym everybody was genuinely there to help you?? That wouldn't suck would it?

Wouldn't it be cool to be able to do a pull-up??

Didn't you know that being affiliated with a social group has a direct benefit on health and longevity? Much like smoking, diabetes, hypertension and lack of exercise?

Would you like to kill 4 birds with one stone?

Wouldn't THAT be great??

See you soon!

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